The Storm Torrent, due to arrive in Pro Shops on Valentines Day, February 14th, features Storm’s highly successful R2S coverstock and the Booster HV core. I was able to drill this ball up and use it in competition in the Colorado Scratch Bowlers Tour this past weekend.
As a medium-speed, medium rev rate left hander (17MPH, 300 RPM, PAP 5 > and 3/4^) I wanted to add a smooth strong solid to my arsenal that I could use on sport conditions, so I drilled this ball with a 70/4 3/4/70 layout with no hole. This puts the pin under my ring finger near the bridge.
The lane condition was the Kegel Sphinx (40′, 2:1 ratio with 25 mL volumne). Due to some rust from not bowling much the past two months, I didn’t perform well early, but in the last 3 games I turned to this ball to “control the pocket” as the lanes were demanding. I was able to finish with three consecutive games in the 220s, and the ball was smooth and predictable, but strong as I was swinging the ball across the track area.
This will be a great first ball on sport conditions to control your ball motion until the lanes settle down and you can move to more aggressive equipment. This and my Phaze II will be two of the “benchmark” balls in my bag!