Coach’s Corner Tip
Bowling Well when the Scores are High
As much as I would like to always bowl in a competitive, low to medium scoring environment, this does not always happen. Sometimes you’re expecting a more moderate scoring pace and the lane condition turns out to be not what you expected. Sometimes a lower scoring pace turns into a high scoring tournament as
the lanes open up. In any case, you need to figure out how to score better than the other guy no matter the scoring pace. So, what are the things that you need to do to post big numbers when conditions permit?
The first part of the equation is mental. A high scoring environment is going to give you the opportunity, but you must take away the limitations. It’s very easy to get caught up in limits. So, what is the limit to scoring in our sport? Of course, the answer is 300. If you take the attitude that each shot stands on its own and realize that you CAN repeat shots there is NO LIMIT except shooting 300 each game.
The next part of the formula is part physical and part tactical. Physically, you need to understand that staying loose and being consistent is more important than nailing your target and being perfect. When you have a little room to make a mistake, you want to allow yourself to use a little of that mistake area. Typically,
part of your mistake still allows you to strike at a high percentage, while mistakes that are too large typically won’t strike much.
Tactically, this is about carry, so pick the ball, angle and speed that maximizes your carry. If you are not carrying, CHANGE SOMETHING. Often a small speed change and/or a move farther into the oil will change your angle of entry into the pocket and how the ball goes through the pins. The key is to make the change IMMEDIATELY. He who stands and moans about leaving the back row will not finish first!
Remember on a high scoring shot to pick out the 3 boards to the right of the oil line at about mid-lane and try to get the ball to that spot when the pattern is fresh. If you get the ball out to that area too early the ball will lose energy, and if you don’t get it to that spot at all you aren’t taking advantage of the condition.
If you are in match play, you need to understand that your opponent will throw a lot of strikes. The key is to understand that you will too. You know that you are in a situation where it is relatively easy to get to the pocket and you have been smart about figuring out how to maximize your carry. Now you need to understand that you can keep striking. It’s just a matter of repeating shots as you would when the scoring pace is lower. In this case, however, realize that your smaller mistakes are still going to strike. Many people self-limit themselves after 5, 6, or 7 in a row and talk themselves out of continuing to strike. You need to realize that there is nothing to stop you from continuing to strike.
You need to realize that even though the lanes are easy, they are still going to change. Every shot you roll down the lane will change the shot. Sooner or later the lanes will change and you will need to move farther to the inside of the lane to continue to find oil in the front of the lane. Due to the high friction in the track
area the lanes will start hooking more. Weaker equipment will slow down the changes, but they will happen at some point. Continue to watch your ball motion on every shot for clues that the lanes are beginning to change and make a move ahead of the change a little. Chances are very good that you will still carry and avoid missing the pocket.
You don’t necessarily need your full release when there is hook to the outside and hook down the lane. Don’t be afraid to use a weaker hand position and possibly spin the ball a little more to get the ball down the lane and save a little more energy for the back end. If you use your full release you may end up causing the ball to burn up too much energy by the time it gets to the pins. Also, by using a weaker hand position you may be able to use a slightly stronger ball and improve your carry.
Try these tips next time you get in that shootout, and I think you will be successful!