Coach’s Corner Tip
Improve and Bowl Tournaments
So, you’ve gotten through the holidays, and now you’re ready to tackle the new year, determined to make improvements to your game! So, how can you make this happen? This month we’ll look at setting goals and working to achieve them in bowling.
Before you can achieve your goals, you need to set them not just think about them casually, but really sit down and write them down! Once you have a
clear idea of your objectives, you can map out a plan to get there. Let’s take an example and I’ll show you what I mean. Joe is a 175 average bowler, with three balls (a particle, a reactive, and a spare ball), and, with the following goals:
- Improve his average to 190,
- Join ABT and make the finals,
- Bowl first 700 series.
First, let’s take on the 175-190 jump. Here, Joe needs to become a little more consistent, either making one more spare a game or one more double. This usually involves better direction and accuracy in shots. Some work on trusting the shot a bit more with a free armswing and some work on speed control may be in
order. Also, a little more attention to spare shooting, including some spare shooting only practice, will help to make an extra spare a game.
Let’s assume Joe has never competed in tournaments. In preparing to bowl his first tournament, he can ask friends who have bowled this tournament before, and maybe bowl his first squad with a friend who is already comfortable in the environment. To succeed in tournaments, you need to get comfortable bowling in different centers, on different lane conditions. Joe needs to get out and see the world (or a least a few more centers)! Joe needs to take opportunities to practice in different centers, and make sure he has his equipment well maintained (a shameless pitch to see your local pro shop for ball cleaning or resurfacing). Should Joe buy another ball? Probably not, since he has one ball that hooks, one that is medium and a spare ball. Once Joe gets some experience, he may find that he has a bigger gap between two balls than he can compensate for with his ability, at which point another ball which fits his needs would be advised.
To make the finals, Joe must also mentally prepare himself to bowl his best in a new environment. He may want to watch the semi-finals and finals of another tournament, and picture himself bowling in that situation.
Finally, let’s help Joe get that elusive first 700 series. We need three games with a five-bagger (or the equivalent) and no opens! The first step is to learn to
keep the ball in the pocket consistently. This means being very consistent in what you do from shot to shot. This allows you more chances to strike, double,
make more easy spares, and shoot ONE game over 233. Remember, Joe, you can’t get a 5-bagger on one shot all you can do is take one shot at a time, and
make it consistent from shot to shot. Next, Joe will need someone to help him understand how lanes change with play, and how to move when they do. Before you know it, Joe will go from the occasional 600 to his first 700!
I hope this example has helped you understand the process of setting goals and taking steps to make them happen. I hope you can make 2005 into the year
you achieve some of your goals!