Coach’s Corner Tip
Trust Is a Must
Let’s talk about trust. In the same way you trust those closest to you, do you trust your own bowling swing? Well, if you don’t read on! If you do, read on anyway!
For me, trust comes down to two things:
1. Trust your game
2. Trust your target line,
If you don’t trust your game, you are not performing to your potential. We practice, learn, and work to get better, only to second guess ourselves in a key situation. You need to trust your ability to repeat a shot, let your body work as smoothly as it does when you practice, and repeat shots. Trusting your game means enjoying, not dreading the moment. Trusting your game means knowing how well you can repeat shots, finding your level that day, and making the most of your ability.
Trusting your target line means that you swing (not control) the ball through your target in a straight line towards your break point. Your job is to roll the ball down that line, which is generally away from the pocket, and make the lane hook the ball back to the pocket. Many of us try to hit our target and the pocket at the same time! Let your swing go through your target toward your breakpoint. For a right handed bowler, you may be targeting at the 15 board (third arrow) at the arrows, but your break point (where the ball starts to break back toward the pocket) may be at the 8 board. This probably means that your arm swing should follow a line through that points toward the 6-pin!
Here’s an exercise to help with this malady. Draw a line in your mind from your target, through the break point, then to the pins. Look at this point (at the pin deck) for five shots. Next, look at the break point, and make five more shots. Finally, look at your target, but confidently make five more shots that follow the line
from the first two sets of shots.
For spares, try the same exercise and previously stated, but line up for your 10-pin shot (left-handers, 7-pin) and look right at the 10-pin. Do this five times, then pick a spot at 40’ down the lane and do this for another five shots. Finally, look at your target, but follow through to the first two spots with a free swing.