Challenge Yourself to Improve
If you’re a league bowler who is content to average 220 on a house condition, and you never really want to compete in tournaments, I contend you are wasting your ability. Further, I am making a personal challenge to each and every one of you to compete in at least a few tournaments a year. You will become a better bowler if you do this, as I will explain below.
Why Bowl Tournaments?
Tournaments allow you to test your talents against the best bowlers in the area, state or nation in competition. If you are able to post a solid average in league competition, you have taken the first step toward becoming a better player. However, it is only the first step.
When you bowl in tournaments, the format is longer than three games, and the lanes change a lot more than they do in league. You are able to refine your ability to “read” the lane conditions as they change, and learn to make bigger adjustments than you face in league competition. You are also able to learn to maintain your focus and your ability to “stay in the moment” and make better shots more frequently.
Lane conditions in tournaments are usually much tougher than they are in league. This is an opportunity for you to refine your ability to accurately roll the ball on a consistent line, constantly watching for the changes in conditions. You also move after every game in most tournaments, which also improves your ability to read lane conditions and make adjustments from pair to pair.
The Mental Challenge
Tournament bowling is also a mental challenge. It tests your resolve as a player and as a person to scale the next mountain, to take on the next challenge. It gets the juices flowing, and allows you to strive for new goals. You will have a reason to practice, you will begin to understand the differences in equipment and how to use them, and you will learn the values of patience and perseverance – they will serve you well in other areas of your life.
Outside of tournaments, I would also recommend that you bowl at least one league on a more demanding lane condition than a typical league shot. You may have to look around to find such a league, many of which are only offered in the Summer months. If your area does not have such a league, and you are hungry for the opportunity, take the lead and find a center supportive enough to provide a the time slot and the lane condition. If nothing else, find a center willing to put tougher lane conditions out for you to practice on, and work hard to make the most of those opportunities.
I bowled in tougher leagues and practice as much as I can on tough patterns. I can’t overstate the difference it has made in my ability to perform well in tournaments. Many of us want to compete on the highest level possible, and to improve. How will you know how good you can be if you never try? The USBC Nationals are a wonderful opportunity to travel, form friendships that last a lifetime, and compete on a national stage. The ABT is a great tournament club that provides both local and national competition, and affords an opportunity to win substantial first-place money. This is handicap competition that affords this opportunity to both higher-level and intermediate-level players. Find a tournament that you can get excited about bowling in!
Of all the tips that I can provide to you to help you improve, this may be the most basic, but also the most meaningful. Don’t sit on the porch – go out and compete if you want to improve!!!