Physical Game Tips
Your physical game is the heart of what makes you bowl well. These tips will show you what the keys are and how to practice those keys to improve!
Physical Game Tip Categories

Starting the Swing
- Video – Tips for a Better Pushaway
- Free Practice Tips
- Consistent Direction is the Key to Higher Scores
- Get the Hitch Outta Here!
- Give Up Control
- Going from 150 to 200
- Why You Should not Grab the Ball
- Improve and Bowl Tournaments
- Is it You or the Lane?
- Balance in the Bowling Swing
- Let It Flow
- Patience
- The Swing Slot
- The Importance of Timing
- Trust is a Must

Invest the time to learn this great sport and you will never regret it! There is nothing more rewarding than learning how to maximize your scoring in leagues or tournaments!